Improve access to basic safety service and conflict resolution

The dissolution of effective conflict resolution institutions in the Horn of Africa and the resulting insecurity has impacted significantly on the region’s stability, food security, resource management, and vulnerability to a variety of problematic economic and political influences. Pastoralism is a primary form of livelihood in the Horn and the management of pastoral commons is particularly difficult in terms of conflict and conflict resolution (Fratkin, 1994; Gebre-Mariam, 1994; Ocan, 1994; Salih, 1994; Unruh, 1995a). While problems in the commons can often be seen as falling out along group lines (ethnic, clan), access and use of common property resources (CPRs) play a fundamental role in pastoral livelihood, identity, and conflict (Gadamu, 1994; Gebre-Mariam, 1994; Ocan, 1994; Salih, 1994; Unruh, 1995b). Much valuable work has been accomplished regarding the management of CPRs generally (e.g., McKay and Acheson, 1987; Berks, 1989; Lawry, 1990; Ostrom, 1990, Ostrom et al., 1999; Agrawal, 2001a, b; Ostrom et al., 2001; Johnson, 2004), and pastoral resources specifically (e.g., Runge, 1981; Warren, 1995; Mearns, 1996; Fratkin, 1997; Lesorogol, 2003; Hoffmann, 2004). But because few institutions can endure the stresses of armed conflict (Ostrom, 1999), conflict prone areas such as the Horn can seem particularly distant from opportunities to derive workable institutional arrangements able to effectively manage contested commonly held land. Recent developments in Ethiopia however hint at a surprisingly close proximity between armed conflict and derivation of institutions (sets of rules) for resolving disputes and managing contested pastoral commons. Despite the large body of work that has examined many aspects of CPR management, to date the relationship between armed conflict and CPR management has not been attended to. This is unfortunate given the prevalence of armed conflict in and over CPRs, particularly in Africa. Using the relevant literature together with fieldwork, this paper presents three cases of armed confrontation over pastoral commons in Ethiopia and the developments which have led to significant opportunities for conflict resolution and rule-making.